Lean Six Sigma

Lean and Six Sigma in Multicultural Environments

As of 2018 there were some 60,000 multinational corporations worldwide, controlling more than 500,000 subsidiaries. They are responsible for half of international trade.* Multinational corporations work across multiple countries with different cultures. Lean and Six Sigma implementations must take these multicultural environments into account if the implementations are to be successful. We’ll look at recommendations [...]

2024-12-14T11:14:47-06:00By |0 Comments

Lean and Six Sigma For Disaster Response

In 2021, the Emergency Event Database (EM-DAT) recorded 432 disastrous events related to natural hazards worldwide.* The statistics for human-made disasters are harder to come by. Lean and Six Sigma methodologies aid in improving disaster response. We’ll look at applications of Lean and Six Sigma and finish with a video on recommendations for workers in [...]

2024-09-21T15:00:51-06:00By |0 Comments

Lean and Six Sigma Applications in Inkjet Printers

  The global inkjet printing market size was valued at USD 101.23 billion in 2023 and reached USD 109.73 billion in 2024.* We’ll look at applications of Lean and Six Sigma and finish with a video of the engineering behind inkjet printers. *Source  Implementing Six Sigma in a Manufacturing Process for Inkjet Printers Circuit Cartridges [...]

2024-09-15T10:45:22-06:00By |0 Comments

Customs Processes and Lean and Six Sigma Applications

Clearing customs is a necessary part of international trade. We’ll look at applications of Lean and Six Sigma in customs processes from Malaysia, Brazil, and Russia and finish with a video of how customs clearance works.   DMAIC Used to Establish a Benchmark for Paperwork Clearance: Malaysia In a paper titled “Standard Time of Import [...]

Lean and Six Sigma in Natural Gas Distribution

The market size, measured by revenue, of the US Natural Gas Distribution industry was USD $193.1bn in 2023.* We’ll look at Lean and Six Sigma applications in natural gas distribution and finish with a video of how a major utility handles natural gas distribution. *Source   Lean Transformation of a Company: The Journey A presentation [...]

Lean and Six Sigma and Pilot Training

The global pilot training market size is projected to grow from $8.09 billion in 2023 to $20.02 billion by 2030.* We’ll look at applications of Lean and Six Sigma in pilot training and finish with a video of 10 things to know about being an airline pilot. *Source   Using Six Sigma DMAIC to Reduce [...]

Aviation Safety: Improved Through Lean and Six Sigma

The Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) presents the global strategy for continuous improvement of aviation safety.* We’ll examine applications of Lean and Six Sigma in aviation safety and finish with a video on the history of aviation safety. Source*   Lean Six Sigma in Aviation Safety In a paper titled “Lean Six-Sigma in Aviation Safety: [...]

Lean and Six Sigma Applications in the Leather Industry

In 2023, the global leather goods market was expected to reach US$ 443.52 billion.* In 2023, 25% percent of the global value of exported leather goods were realized by China, making the country the leading exporter for leather goods in the world.** We’ll look at Lean and Six Sigma applications in the leather industry from [...]

Telehealth Services: Improvements Through Lean Six Sigma

The global telehealth market was estimated at USD 101.2 billion in 2023*. We’ll examine applications of Lean Six Sigma in telehealth and finish with a video on bringing high-tech healthcare to India’s poor.  *Source   Using the DMAIC Model in Telehealth In a report titled “Implementation of Telehealth Clinical Nurse Leader Interventions to Reduce Rehospitalizations [...]

Global Seafood Industry: Lean Six Sigma Applications

The seafood market size is estimated at 720.76 billion USD in 2024.* We’ll look at applications of Lean and Six Sigma from Portugal, India, Indonesia, and South Africa and finish with a video of how crabs, oysters, and sole are harvested and processed. *Source Applying Lean Manufacturing to Fish and Shellfish Processing: Portugal In a [...]

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