People around the world suffer from hearing loss. We look at the application of Lean Six Sigma in cochlear implant practices and noise management to reduce hearing disorders.  Audiologists provide services to aid in improving hearing. We finish with one video explaining what an audiologist is and another on the history of hearing aids.


Lean Six Sigma Used to Improve Cochlear Implant Practices


In a presentation titled “Use of Lean Six Sigma in Improving Best Cochlear Implant Practices and Financial Sustainability” authors Jacques A Herzog, Susan Rathgeb, and Lauren Felton discuss the use of Lean Six Sigma to reorganize an audiology clinic and develop best practice protocols.

Prior to the  Lean Six Sigma implementation 50% of time in the clinic was spent on non-billable activity.

After adoption, there was an over 100% increase in patient visits per provider and audiologist technical  and administrative functions were reduced by 30%.

You can access the presentation here.


Using Six Sigma to Manage Noise Levels in Order to Reduce Hearing Disorders


In a case study titled “Enhancing the management of the noise level using Six Sigma method: a case study on the machining industry” authors D. Rimantho and M. W. Hanantya discuss the use of Six Sigma to manage noise levels to reduce hearing disorders.

The case study includes:

  • SIPOC Diagram
  • IMR Charts by Department
  • Process Capability Analysis Summary
  • Fishbone Diagram for Noise Level Management
  • Risk Priority Numbers for Noise Management

You can access the case study here.

[Citation: D Rimantho and M W Hanantya 2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 277 012055]


What is an Audiologist?


Learn what an audiologist is in a video from Audiologist Cliff Olson.

You can watch the video here.



The History of Hearing Aids


Audiologist Cliff Olson discusses the history of hearing aids in this video.

You can watch the video here.




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