Asia is the epicenter of flat panel display manufacturing, with 95% of production shared between Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China and Singapore. There Lean Six Sigma is used to improve flat panel production. We’ll look at applications from Taiwan and two Master’s theses and then see a video from a top Chinese flat panel manufacturer.
Lean Six Sigma Applied to Improve Contamination in Panel Manufacturing: Taiwan
In a case study titled “Contamination Improvement of Touch Panel and Color Filter Production Processes of Lean Six Sigma” authors Chia-Nan Wang and others discuss the application of Lean Six Sigma to a raw material factory for the panel industry in Taiwan.
The case study focused on dirt defects with a project goal of reducing the proportion of pollution from 0.35% to 0.18%.
After three months of improvement and three months of continuous observation the average defect loss was decreased to 0.13% an improvement of 63%.
After an extensive listing of Steps, Description, Indicators and Tool for each DMAIC phase, the case study includes:
- Photos of Dirt Defects Under an Electron Microscope
- Color Filter Processes
- Touch Sensor Processes
- Cause and Effect Matrix for Dirt Defects
- Pareto Cart of Dirt Defects
- Agreement Analysis Measurement Study Result
- Detailed Experimental Design, Analysis, and Results
- Before and After Improvement for Dirt Defects
- Control Chart for Dirt Defects Before and After Improvement
Copy and paste the following link into your browser to download a copy of the case study.
Using Six Sigma to Reduce Film Defects in Panel Displays
In a Master’s thesis titled “Reduction of Defects at Company XYZ, with the Utilization of Six Sigma Methodologies” author Elena Herrera discusses the use of Six Sigma to reduce the film defects for display products.
The thesis includes:
- Customer Complaints Due to Defects
- Pareto Chart of Customer Complaints
- Attribute Agreement Analysis for Visual Inspection Test Method
- Process Capability Study
- Process Map
- Cause and Effect Diagram for Downweb Banding Defect
- Simple Experimental Design and Results
You can read the thesis here.
Increasing Rolled Throughput Yield in Optical Film Production Through the Use of Six Sigma Methodology
In a Master’s thesis titled “Increasing Rolled Throughput Yield in Optical Films Using Six Sigma
Methodology” author Celina Call discusses the use of Six Sigma methodology to increase rolled throughput yield in optical film production.
The goal of the study was to determine the root cause of low rolled throughput yield in order to improve the overall quality of the film.
The thesis includes:
- Part Size Converting Visual
- Defect Types by Cause
- Edge Mottle Defect Cause and Effect Diagram
- Coating Streak Defect Cause and Effect Diagram
- Edge Mottle Coating Thickness Trial
- Edge Mottle Drying Temperature Trial
- Edge Mottle Experimental Results
- Streak Coating Thickness Trial
- Streak Vacuum Level Trial
- Streak % Volume Loss by Month
Upon completion of the study the rolled throughput yield was raised from 39% to 55%.
You can read the thesis here.
Flat Panel Display Manufacturing
In a video from KTC TV, see how KTC manufactures flat panel displays in Shenzhen.
You can watch the video here.
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