In a video from WorkSmart Systems, learn the 10 rules for assembly cell design based on over 25 years of experience at the time of the video. As you will see, these rules incorporate steps to minimize the 8 wastes.
- Keep it Moving
- One-piece flow with minimum effort
- Balance production and have limited work in process space
- Keep it Small
- Miniaturize the cell as much as possible
- Provide in process Kanban when necessary
- Keep it Logical and Sequential
- Proper sequence for assembly
- Talk with operators re:
- Division of work
- Takt times
- Line balance
- What is the optimum cell layout?
- Straight line
- U-shaped
- L-shaped
- Oval
- What equipment or subassembly needs to be integrated?
- Make it Ergonomic
- Design the workstation to fit the task and the operator
- Use a modular design to make it easy for the operator
- Economize on Movement
- Have tools, supplies, and components within easy reach
- Minimize look and reach time
- Optimize Parts Presentation
- Have components at point of use
- Make sure large or bulky components are easily handled
- Do it Online for Each Position
- Standard work procedures
- Method instructions
- Online quality control, test, inspection, and pack out
- Helps minimize rework and WIP
- Stop the line with recurring rework or quality problems
- Minimize Wasteful Handling
- Eliminate lifting and handling offline
- Keep it Open and Flexible
- Keep sight lines open
- Have scalable cell design
- Use Andon lights and scoreboards
- Above all: Keep it Simple to Achieve These Benefits
- Low/No maintenance
- Easy reconfiguration
- Low first cost
- Economical operation
You can view WorkSmart’s video here.
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