At a minimum ATOs must meet the following conditions:

  1. Must be an ISSSP Member at the organizational level.
  2. Complete an ATO application with all fees paid.
  3. Be in business for one year or at least 6 months with proof of prior Six Sigma training experience.
  4. Must have a person as a contact for students and ISSSP to contact. This may be more than one person.
  5. Be in good standing with the business, consumer, and Six Sigma world.
    • Must have at least a B+ rating on BBB, if your organization is listed.
    • Must have an after-training survey in place and provide examples of at least one completed survey.
      • Must evaluate training.
      • Must evaluate training materials.
      • Must evaluate instructor.
      • Must evaluate (training location, system or other methods)Must evaluate usefulness of the course.
  6. Must have a process in place to deal with customer complaints and provide a copy of the process, including a process for refunds.
  7. Must clearly show on website (if one exists), as well as on all marketing materials the time required for training and the requirements for certification.
  8. Must have at least one Master Black Belt on staff as a trainer and mentor.
    • Be able to provide Bio for MBB.
    • Be able to provide LinkedIn profile for MBB or resume.
    • A contract MBB is allowed, but you must state that the individual is an independent contractor and not an employee.
  9. Must require a real-world (not simulated) project mentored by an MBB for certification at the GB and BB level in addition to REQUIRED training. Exams will not take the place of a project.
  10. Must include contact information, including address, phone number, and email address on website (if one exists), as well as on marketing materials.
  11. Must require a minimum amount of training and mentorship, such as project work based on the Day Equivalents (DE) for each belt level
  12. Must complete a reasonable number of scheduled public training and provide reasons for any cancellations.
  13. Must provide the Body of Knowledge (BOK) the organization is using for training. If using your own BOK, please provide a copy that includes a detailed list of all elements required in a format like standard BOKs. Provide details regarding the percentage of the BOK used in training materials for all belt levels offered, including a course outline and an example for each program.
  14. Must have a system in place to keep student records safe and available for the life of the business? This means keeping copies of training completed by students and certificates earned. Must have a process in place for releasing records to students, potential employers, etc.
  15. Must accept and abide by all Terms and Conditions for both ISSSP Members and ATOs, as well as the ISSSP Standards.
  16. Must accept and abide by the Intellectual Property Guide and ATO Terms and Conditions, regarding the use of ISSSP Marks.