ISSSP - LogoThe International Society of Six Sigma Professionals (ISSSP) Standard for Six Sigma Training and Certification defines the Minimum ATO Requirements and Day Equivalents for training based on the expertise of the ISSSP Accreditation Advisory Committee (AAC). This committee is dedicated to ensuring that training and certification programs offered by ISSSP Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) fall within the ISSSP Mission of promoting Lean Six Sigma as a respected profession and career path. The committee consist of individuals, who are respected Six Sigma professionals, working directly in an Operational Excellence capacity. The ISSSP Accreditation Advisory Committee does not contain any individuals, who own a Lean Six Sigma Training/Certification Organization to avoid conflicts of interest.

Because the ISSSP Standards focus on how Six Sigma training and certifications programs are executed, what the program covers, and what is required for certification, it provides a framework of best practices without the need of a standard BOK. In addition, the ISSSP Standards go beyond just the training and certification that an organization offers to include ethical and business standards that are consist with ISSSP Mission. Finally, we want ATOs to be a part of the ISSSP community, so organizations that want to apply for Accredited Training Organization status, must first become an ISSSP Organizational member. You may choose the Organizational Membership that fits your organization by visiting the Membership page and scrolling down to the organizational options.

What Does the Standard Measure?

The ISSSP Standard measures all aspects of an Accredited Training Organizations programs across ten nationally recognized categories:

  • Training and Certification Professionals/Organizations Information
  • Responsibility and Control
  • Learning Environment and Support Systems
  • Learning Event Planning
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Planning and Instructional Personnel
  • Content and Instructional Methods
  • Assessment of Learning Outcomes
  • Awarding Certificates, Certifications and Maintaining Learner Records
  • Program Evaluation

In addition, the entity applying for Accredited Training Organization status should have policies in place that cover training for instructors, sexual harassment guidelines, customer complaint resolution, discrimination and ethical marketing and business practices. ISSSP will not tolerate sexual harassment, discrimination or unethical marketing and/or business practices. Organizations that do not meet these additional standards will not be approved regardless of the training and certification review outcome. It is just as important that an ATO maintain a solid reputation within the Six Sigma industry and the business world in general.

The standard Six Sigma requirements for training and certification, as illustrated in the model below, must be met by the organization applying for accreditation. Six Sigma programs should include a framework for quality training and certification practices.

A systematic approach to identifying and analyzing learning needs, the ISSSP Standard helps Six Sigma providers:

  • Establish an appropriate responsibility and control system
  • Encourage an analytic approach to identifying and analyzing learning needs
  • Design, plan and execute a quality learning event
  • Establish appropriate assessment criteria based on the learning outcomes
  • Monitor and improve the learning process in order to achieve its objectives
  • Maintain a solid reputation within the Six Sigma industry and the business world at large.

The ISSSP Standard also emphasizes the importance of continually reviewing and improving education and training, to ensure the development of quality programs that meet consumer needs.

Why the Standard Matters

Within a competitive marketplace, it pays to align your organization and its programs with a non-profit that is committed solely to fostering the growth and integrity of Six Sigma by carefully inspecting every application. ISSSP has modeled our application review process after internationally recognized non-profit organizations, such as PMI and IACET. The ISSSP Standards do not require a specific body of knowledge (BOK), so training companies may continue to use their own BOK. We are more concerned with what the training covers, how long the program is, and what is required to earn a certificate or certification.

By carefully reviewing applications and choosing only the programs that meet ISSSP strict criteria, we hope to give students reputable options for training and certification that will help them achieve their career goals. Only ISSSP ATOs will be able to use the ISSSP ATO Badge on certificates for qualifying programs and on their ATO tab on our site. The ISSSP ATO box logo may be used on the organization's website, social media, and marketing materials. We want ISSSP to communicate to employers, licensing authorities, certification bodies and others that a Six Sigma program conducted by an ISSSP ATO meets at least the minimum standards required for an individual to perform the duties of the belt level they are trying to achieve.

Start Your Application

Comprehensive Standards Support

ISSSP’s Accreditation Representatives and the Accreditation Advisory Committee are available to hear your suggestions for improvement, answer your questions regarding our organization, provide fair and consistent review of entity applications for accreditation. If you have suggestions for improvement or questions concerning these standards, please feel free to contact us.