
Anesthesiology, Anesthesia, and Lean Six Sigma Applications

Anesthesia is critical around the world in order to prevent patients from feeling pain during operations and other procedures. Anesthesiology is the medical specialty concerned with the total perioperative care of patients before, during and after surgery. We’ll look at several applications of Lean and Six Sigma in that practice and finish with a video [...]

2024-06-03T14:14:17-06:00By |0 Comments

Emergency Medical Services: Lean Six Sigma and Delivery

Emergency Medical Services provide critical, life-saving care. Lean and Six Sigma help in the delivery. We’ll look at three applications and finish with a video of what’s it like to fly with London’s Air Ambulance.   Optimizing Emergency Services with Lean Six Sigma   In a magazine article titled “Optimizing emergency services with Lean Six [...]

Baggage Handling: How Lean and Six Sigma Can Help

A 2019 BBC News article by Chris Baranuik asked the question, “Why do airlines still mislay 25 million bags a year?”* We’ll look at Lean and Six Sigma applications focusing on improving baggage handling and finish with a video of the Individual Carrier System for baggage handling at San Francisco International Airport. *Source  Applying Lean [...]

2023-11-13T17:47:27-06:00By |0 Comments

Bayes Theorem: What is it? Why it’s Useful.

In today’s blog, we look at Bayes Theorem, what it is and why it’s useful. After an explanation of Bayes Theorem, we’ll look at medical examples.   Thomas Bayes   Thomas Bayes was an English Presbyterian minister, philosopher, and a statistician (1701-1769). He is known for developing a specific example of the theorem that has [...]

Retail and Convenience Stores – Lean and Six Sigma

Retail and convenience stores exist in every country in the world. Lean and Six Sigma are used throughout the retail industry. We’ll look at three applications. First, a discussion of the retail industry challenges and the benefits of applying Lean Six Sigma. Then we’ll look at applications from Mexico and Portugal. We’ll finish with a [...]

2023-05-06T18:02:44-06:00By |0 Comments

Lean Six Sigma in the Fertilizer Industry

Fertilizer is used around the world to grow crops and other plants. Lean and Six Sigma methodologies help to improve production processes and reduce waste. We’ll look at case studies from Brazil, Indonesia, and India and finish with a video of how organic fertilizer is made. Lean Manufacturing Applied to Liquid Fertilizer Manufacturing: Brazil In [...]

2022-03-26T10:11:35-06:00By |0 Comments

Lean Six Sigma in the Insurance Industry

The insurance industry is an excellent example of non-manufacturing where Lean and Six Sigma are applied for process improvement and waste reduction. We’ll look at four case studies from Germany, India, Northern Ireland, and Brazil.   Lean and Six Sigma Applied to a Large Insurance Company: Germany   In a paper titled “A Lean Six [...]

LSS in the Publishing and Printing Industries

Printing and publishing are the result of a production process. As a result, Lean and Six Sigma are appropriate methodologies to achieve improvement. We’ll look at a Malaysian case study of applying Lean and Six Sigma in printing. Then we’ll finish with two more general articles: one on Lean Six Sigma generic project definitions in [...]

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